Cookbook Book Club


Everyone is welcome. If accommodations are needed to attend, please contact the library administrative office at 920-886-6315 or by email at at least 24 hours in advance of the program.

Cookbook Book Club

Join our deliciously new book Club!  

Try some new recipes, share a dish and talk about cooking.  

This month's theme: Soups and Stews 

Check out or display on the Lucky Day Shelf or browse our stacks to find a cookbook on our theme.  Try a few recipes, and feel free to bring in samples of your favorite!  


No reservation required for this one hour event. 

Location: Storytime Room 

Direct questions to Dan: 


Cookbook Book Club FAQ

Do I need to bring a dish to pass? 

No. While we welcome book club members to bring a sample of a dish from a cookbook fitting the month's theme, it is not required.

If I don't bring a dish, can I still sample other dishes?

Yes. This isn't a potluck, just a gathering of home cooks sharing their experiences with cook books or cooking the foods of that month's theme.

Does a recipe or dish need to be from a cook book dedicated to the month's theme?

No. Recipes can come sections of cookbooks dedicated to the month's theme or could be a great family recipe you would like to share.

Do I need to do a formal review of the cook book I read?

No. This isn't a book report club 😉. This is a casual gathering of cooks who want to help each other improve their kitchen skills and add to their recipe boxes. 

If I bring a slow cooker, will there be an outlet available to plug it in?

We will do our best to make outlets available for slow cookers and other devices as needed.

January 16, 2024 @ 06:30 pm
Event Age