Toddle Time Ages (12-24 months)


Everyone is welcome. If accommodations are needed to attend, please contact the library administrative office at 920-886-6315 or by email at at least 24 hours in advance of the program.

Babies Playing

Toddle Times are active story times for babies from 12-24 months and their caregivers.  A single book, lively bounces and rhymes, special music, free play and socializing are all included.  With free time, plan to stay about 30 minutes to an hour. For specific information, call (920) 886-6335, or email

Everyone is welcome to attend library programs. There is no right way to join in! If accommodations are needed to participate, please contact the library administrative office at 920-886-6301 or by email at at least 24 hours in advance of the program.

October 03, 2017 @ 10:30 am
Event Age
Event Type