Stuffed Animal Clinic (ages 3+)


Everyone is welcome. If accommodations are needed to attend, please contact the library administrative office at 920-886-6315 or by email at at least 24 hours in advance of the program.

Sick Teddy Bear

Where do stuffed animals go when they need a check-up?  The library of course! 

Bring a stuffed animal from home to the library for their annual well-animal "check-up" performed by trained professionals.  Visits will include height and weight measurements, pretend shots, blood pressure tests, Band-Aids, and more.  (no real mending will be done)

This program is drop-in, no sign up is needed. The program aims to help kids learn about the importance of kindness and not to fear doctor's visits.

January 21, 2023 @ 10:30 am
Event Age
Event Type