Home & Garden

Beautiful Bulbs

Linda Werner of the Winnebago County Master Gardeners will discuss how to differentiate "true bulbs" from corms and tubers and best practices for successfully growing popular spring and summer bulbs. 

Frugal Living with Amanda Dornfeld

Start the New Year off right with a “Frugal Living” workshop provided by Family Living Educator of Winnebago County UW-Extension, Amanda Dornfeld. Hosted Thursday, February 8th, at 6:30pm, at the Neenah Public Library Amanda will provide practical money saving tips and help you set better goals. If you have always wanted to save money, but didn’t know where to start, this is the perfect workshop for you! This program is part of the Neenah Public Library Adulting 101 series designed to provide young adults and adults with the necessary tools to take full advantage of life.