Library Stories

Cal (3) was so excited to play with our Explorer Boxcar that the moment his younger sibling woke from a nap he started asking Mom to go to the library. Even though they had just visited the library, Mom knew another trip was needed, so off they ventured. The entire journey to the library was filled with excitement over playing with the igloos. When a staff member handed Cal the Boxcar his smile stretched from ear to ear as he bounced up and down with excitement.
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Sara from Nebraska, who visited our library weeks ago, called wanting to know more about our sidewalk obstacle course so that she could replicate it in her city parks (she worked for their Park & Rec department). She said her in-laws had so much fun doing it with her kids and she loved how multigenerational and attractive it was.
I emailed Richie Zaborowske, Adult Services Librarian, last August because I am interested in writing and heard about the "Leap into Writing" group. He emailed me they wrote "Flash Fiction" in the group, which I had never heard of. He wrote that the deadline for submitting a story was midnight that day. Flash Fiction is 1,000 words or less. There was a typo in the email, so it read 100 words. I figured I could write 100 words before midnight, and I did and submitted it.
When I attended the meeting on August 29, I was the only one with a 100-word story. Everyone was very nice. It's tough to write a good story in 100 words. I learned a lot about writing in the subsequent group meetings.
I enjoy writing Flash Fiction because it teaches me to be economical with my words while including all the elements of a good story in under 1000 words. It has sharpened up my writing, and I never would have heard about it except for Richie and the group.
I wrote a story inspired by a theme of the month for the group ----- Fairy Tales. The group gave me valuable feedback, and I used it to edit the story. I submitted my story for online publication, and the editors accepted it!

In December, my spouse and I moved to New York City to help care for our two grandchildren (we are living the dream), so I can't attend the Leap into Writing group.
I continue to write and have several stories in progress. I participate in a writers' circle associated with the NY Public Library.
My daughter lives in the Milwaukee area and is always looking for fun and enriching experiences for her preschool age kids. She found a storytime at a local library, but she said to me "Mom, the Neenah Library has set the bar so high!"
As a library employee, I sometimes wonder what impact we have on our community...
On a bright sunny warm winter day, I set out on a walk with my dog, Toni. If we are going on a long walk, we will make our way to Conservation Park and walk the trail next to the pond. We took advantage of the beautiful weather, and walked along the trail listening for birds and taking in the sunshine. As we were leaving the park I glanced into the little free library and noticed that a few former romance paperbacks from our library were waiting to be browsed and borrowed. They were easy to spot as we mark are paperbacks with a bright letter sticker, it made me smile to see books once browsed and borrowed from our library continue to be part of our community within a little free library. Spreading library love one book at a time.
The Neenah Public Library has come to be a wonderful partner for the Neenah-Menasha YMCA. We have had them attend our block party for a number of years, bringing their bibliocycle along. The bibliocycle also makes frequent visits out to Camp T, positively impacting that program. We have had them in our lobby during welcoming week spreading the word on all the library has to offer. They give suggestions for our staff book club and gather the books for us. Many of our teachers take advantage of the book hold and teacher pack programs. We visit them monthly with our Early Childhood programing to check-out books and have story time.

Specifically, Katrina has worked hand-in-hand with the Child Development Center for the past 5 + years. Once a month, she volunteers to read to our childcare and Kids Corner students and has welcomed our preschool classes and summer camp program into the library for regular visits and storytime. Through her story telling, she has helped us create valuable enrichment experiences, helping our children enhance their language and love for learning. She has literally weathered storms to be here to read with our children, as she's been seen walking to our center from the library in the middle of sub-zero temperatures and snow.

Katrina and the staff of the Neenah Public Library have been fantastic to work with and we hope to continue that partnership in the years to come. We are so lucky to have them in our downtown neighborhood and community.
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I've had the same card since I was an infant! It has even been taped back together at least once!
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Julius came up to the circulation desk and very enthusiastically said “I really REALLY love the library. I LOVE coming here & getting lots of movies. When my mommy asks me if I want to go to the library I NEVER say no.” Hearing this made me very happy and Julius had the most beautiful & infectious smile.
My son Johnathan came to the Neenah library to interview for a job. He has been welcomed by all since 2015. He looks forward to coming every Tuesday for 1 hour. Being at the library enriches his life. Working for the library allows him to feel a part of the community.
Friendship Place
We love the library for SO many reasons! One of the most profound things about the library is its inclusiveness. The NPL is one of the only places that EVERYONE is welcome regardless of their zip code, economic status, housing situation, mental health status, etc. NPL is a safe, warm, welcoming space to anyone seeking assistance for almost any issue, even if not directly library-related. No matter how difficult the question, your kind, compassionate staff tries to find the answers. And, it’s FREE!
One of the other things we adore about our NPL is the availability of materials for our use. We often host a Book Club. Our Book Club requires up to 10 books to be reserved, as well as accompanied by an audio book. NPL makes this request seem effortless and smooth. Not only is being read to therapeutic in itself, but allows our members to practice mindfulness and to slow down for 1 hour per week. These experiences allow our members to obtain more skills for their mental health toolbox, all thanks to the NPL!
Lastly, the variety of material available is so great! We have checked out cake pans for our special events; attended matinee movies, and music shows; and our members have explored the Happy Light, Kindle readers, and even a ukulele. Also, we regularly check out the jigsaw puzzles! So many things and for FREE.
The NPL is a great walking destination for us at Friendship Place. We love you NPL!
I was privileged this week to witness a milestone. On Tuesday, I attended NPL’s weekly story time that brings young children together with young-at-heart residents at the VNA to read stories, sing songs, and generally have fun together. During one of the activities, amidst all the movement and the clamor of children being children, one of the smallest participants, Lily, stood, a bit unsteady, and took several steps. It was clear from the response of Lily’s mom that these were special, first steps and this elicited cheers and an ovation from the group…and a grin from Lily. In that moment, we felt a sense of pride as if we were all Lily’s parents/grandparents/great-grandparents. It was truly magical.

So, thank you to the library (and particularly Miss Hannah) for your wonderful programming that encourages participation at all age levels. Thanks to the VNA team for being so welcoming to the children and their parents/caregivers. And thank you to the parents for sharing your children with this community. This is a win for all who are involved.
In high school I was happy to be hired as a "page" (shelver) at NPL for 2 years. Good memories of kind staff. Earned a Masters and became a University librarian for many years. During that time, when one of the NPL Reference librarians went on sabbatical, I worked evenings at NPL in Reference. Thoroughly enjoyed being back and working with new staff. Now retired, have came back to volunteer and shelve again at my favorite library with more new staff. Have thoroughly enjoyed our community's wonderful NPL for decades.
Charlotte (age 5)
I've been going to the library since I was one. I like that you can get crafts. I like that you can borrow as many books as you like and get subscription with a treat. I like to play there. I like to see friends there. (as relayed by mom Andrea.)
Caleb, Logan, Isaac, and Tara (aka Mom)
Tara (aka Mom) approached the Youth Desk asking for a game to help pass the time while waiting for her daughter's choir. Caleb, Logan, and Isaac all agreed that Ticket to Ride was the perfect length. Their wait was filled with family fun. We won't reveal who the winner was, but we hear he has bragging rights until the next family game time.
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Sure, some libraries are bigger, yes, some libraries have more books, but I think Neenah Public Library is better. My family lives in Appleton, and we drive all the way to Neenah just for the library! Everything is amazing! All the staff are so friendly, and they put together so many programs for us, i.e. the summer programs for children, the book club there, and all the crafts for kids. Neenah Public Library’s staff help people with joy and treat them with kindness. I don’t care if it’s far away, if it was a million miles away I’d still visit it; all in all Neenah Public Library is the best! 😊
My mother is a long-time patron of Neenah Library. Libraries have always been extremely important to her. She invited me to the Lawrence University student jazz concert at Neenah Library. I’ve never “understood” or “liked” jazz, but it’s time with Mom so I went along. The featured composer was Carla Bley. Between the music, Richie’s personal touch, the intimacy of the room, and the students’ gentle instruction of their art form, my mind was blown! It was a personal epiphany. Walking out through the children’s books, 60 year old memories of library trips with my mother and siblings came alive. I don’t live in Neenah but you have a magical place there,and I’ll be back. Thank you.
My family moved to Neenah at the start of the pandemic. We knew hardly anyone and had a difficult time of feeling alone and lacked any sense of community. The best thing we found in Neenah was NPL. Book bundles and online storytimes made us feel a part of something. It has been 4 years and our love and appreciation for our library continues to deepen and grow. Freshpages, Bookscription and all of the amazing activities, books and programs NPL offers have grown with our family. We love you NPL!
Once upon a time there was a girl named Izabella. She discovered that the library had puzzles and she got 2 of them. The End.
The interlibrary loan service is a wonderful gift. The service has gotten publications I never expected I'd ever see, but which have helped significantly with my research. (Donald A. Gaubatz PhD)
Was reading a YA book & the main character was taking down posters in her bedroom: "Degas Ballerina" & "Renoir's Girls at the Piano." Earlier that day I was shopping with my sister and I picked up those exact puzzles. So when I was reading that afternoon, I was kind of freaked out that that happened!
When Coral visits the library, she can often be found making art. Recently on a visit, her friend Camila joined her. They created their very own art challenge where each person would close their eyes and chose just six colored pencils. Using only those six colors they had to create a work of art. They kept their art a surprise by creating a folder wall between them until they finished. Both Coral and Camila rose to the challenge and found the library a good spot to create wonderful art.
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When I first found dinosaurs the library helped me learn about them!
I always greatly appreciate the great staff at the Neenah Public Library. All of you do so much for serious and dedicated readers like me. I am 61 and reading is my passion. I have read seriously since I was 8 years old. Now that I am retired it brings me lots of enjoyment. The Neenah Library is the top library in the Fox River Valley. That is mainly due to the great staff but the facility, collection and the programming are fantastic! That is why I consider it my home library even though I live near Seymour. I’ve known Nicole and Richie and others for quite sometime now. I just wanted to say thank you to all of you for the great work you do!
Bravo! The Neenah Public Library is amazing. I am completely impressed at the number and variety of quality activities you are offering to every age group and citizen of our community. My husband and I both wanted you to know you are very much appreciated. Please keep up the great work.
The Neenah library staff is all so helpful! And I love being able to place holds on materials online & pick them up near the front desk. Thank you!
Spending time at the library is an important part of my routine. Richie the librarian helped facilitate bringing in jazz musicians from Lawrence U. This was very special to me and others as well. It helped to feel connected to the library and the community. Thanks for the effort!
About five or six years ago I brought a bunch of photos of my late mother to create a family letter. I had some challenges with the double-sided copy function and was running low on funds for the project. The front desk person came over to help and brought some coins from the spare change stash to fund our "experiments" until we figured out the best method to accomplish my goals. This kind and patient person's name was Maureen. She no longer works at the Neenah Library, but she was one of many such outstanding library assistants who have worked there over the decades that I've been a patron. I try never to take for granted what a great library we have and what wonderful people work there.
Karen & Terra
Neenah Library is a wonderful library because of it's staff. They are always ready to assist and are kind and always helpful. I'm 74 & my daughter is disabled & we have always received the help we need joyfully & respectfully & sometimes I need a lot of support!
Scott & Lisa
On May 21st we stopped into have our wills signed and notarized after Bank said to go there as they don't do that. We had no wittnesses with us not knowing we needed them. The Library Reference dept. went out of their way to gather up enough employees to help us out. They made what could have been a stressful situation simple and pleasant.
Thank you for all your help this year with the WONDERFUL teacher collections you've pulled together for me! My students and I greatly appreciate you and all you do for us! I feel very strongly about growing a love for books and reading at an early age and know the importance of book selection and having options for students. I also appreciate the many books from my specific list you are able to include each month. These are my read alouds for the month and having those familiar books on the shelf are so meaningful to my students for book-look time and in allowing us to use the library copy one on one with students who need extra support during read aloud time.
As a parent with limited mobility, the NPL classes were ALWAYS accessible, and such amazing experiences for my child. I feel safe bringing my child to the programs, and our child looks up to the librarians throughout the library, especially the Youth Librarians! We have saved thousands and thousands (and thousands) of dollars by checking out library materials, and we appreciate the opportunity to place holds on items that can be shared from other libraries as well. The positive energy all staff share with patrons is respectful and creates such a warm, hometown feel to the building's experience. I can't imagine parenting a child who enjoys books, or growing as a reader myself, without the NPL. We are truly blessed to have this resource in our city! Thank you for all you do!
I stopped at the library because I had an issue with a scam email request for gift cards that appeared to come from a contact. I first spoke with Meghan who was helpful and cheerful. She suggested I come into the library and someone would be able to help remove the spam emails from my phone. She was cheerful because of her encouragement. When I arrived Justine was the person who helped me further to explain how to remove. And with her assistance, I removed and trashed the emails. Justine was also patient...I'm a growing learner of cell phones. Meghan also printed out material to help me with this process.
We chose where to live based on proximity to Neenah Public Library!
A new family came in yesterday. They just moved from out of state, and chose their home with proximity to NPL in mind.
Milwaukee Residents
Two patrons from Milwaukee stopped by and couldn't stop raving about how wonderful our library is. They mentioned our extensive collections, the nice layout, the beautiful views, and the overall atmosphere. They were so impressed that we were open on Sunday and that we offered our patrons snacks and coffee.
I moved to Neenah two years ago with my husband, Adam, and three-year-old son, Will. I have been a stay-at-home mom since Will was born. Before that I was a full-time librarian at both public libraries and a medical library, having received my MLIS from UW-Milwaukee back in 2011. Seeing how much Will loves visiting the library, he especially loves the train table and picture book area, has driven home just how much I love being in the library. It is an essential service that does not get the respect it deserves. Neenah's library is beautiful, and the staff is always very friendly. Thank you for all that you do. :)
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Just as I turned to help my 5-year-old retrieve a book on bats from a top shelf, my 3-year-old escaped my attention, wandered over to another row, and scaled the stacks. Yikes! I plucked him off the shelves. "But," he protested, "I want the red one." Choosing a book by its color! The book was "McBroom's Wonderful One-Acre Farm" by Sid Fleischman, part of a series of tall tales about the farm, a fantastic find that was as funny for adults as for children. We read them many times. Dozens of times. We checked out each of the books, all of the books, renewed the books, pulled them out from the book return to take them home again. We bought the books. Today, they are a huge favorite of the next generation. I have read them aloud, each has read them to themselves, and they read them to their younger siblings. A red book.
